Individual entrepreneur is that in the latter category there is no chance of modifying the contract. Individual microentrepreneur – mei mei is related to small individual entrepreneurs. The type of contract is the individual microentrepreneur status certificate (ccmei), which is the equivalent of the entrepreneur application. Individual limited liability company – eirelli the eirelli type social contract model is equivalent to the constitutive act which, in other words, can be classified as the contract for companies without a company. Therefore, this category is different from ei and mei, as there is a separation of personal assets from the company's assets. Regardless of the type of company, it is necessary to always have a “birth certificate” on hand to record its existence. Ultimately, the only thing that differentiates.
The categories from each other is the form and amount of information required, which are in accordance with the rules of each corporate social contract. After all, how do you create a company’s Bank User Number Data social contract? Despite being a subject that requires understanding, knowing how to create a social contract is very simple, depending on the size of your industry. As we now have the internet at our disposal, it is much easier to find corporate social contract models to serve as an example. However, it is necessary to pay close attention to the step-by-step process for opening your company. This is because it is not enough to just fill out a form, as it is necessary to understand the entire document and each clause contained in it. To make this work easier, always have an accountant and a lawyer by your side, who are professionals with experience in this matter.
So that you don't get completely lost at the beginning, see below some information that should be included in a company's articles of incorporation: qualification of partners all partners in your industry need to be included in the company's articles of association, so that the laws are followed properly. To do this, have some information on hand for each of them, such as name, nationality, profession, marital status and home address. Specification of activities and services developed other information that must be included in your industry's articles of incorporation are the activities and services developed by it. To do this, go to the federal revenue website to consult the national classification of economic activities. Using the available keywords, you can find the exact classification for your activity, in accordance with government regulations.