Sometimes financial constraints mean people who should have the opportunity of speaking and being represented, are not able to do so.MasterWP established a travel grant program to counteract this and strengthen diversity at WordCamp US, and we were very proud to be sponsors! Eight speakers and six organizers from underrepresented groups have received travel funding from this program. It’s great to support these types of initiatives! Contest to win a Macbook Air.
With our special offer of three months free of C Level Contact List Elementor Hosting, attendees who wanted to participate in our contest could sign up, quickly build an Elementor site, and share it on X. It was like a mini website building hackathon, and we loved seeing what people built! Our team picked the “best” website to win a Macbook Air, and the second and third runners up won Airpods and a bag full of the best Elementor swag.

Thank you to everyone who participated! You can see the winning submission here: is our resident performance expert, and he teamed up with Adam Silverstein from Google, and Joe McGill from 10up, to offer free consulting sessions to people who want to speed up their websites. The sessions were booked up fast, and people also dropped by to get advice. We were so glad to be able to share our knowledge and experience with the community, and we were told these sessions were among the most insightful parts of the conference for them.