Avoid hiding problems! Making proposals to find solutions is the choice that pays the most Often in a presentation there is a tendency to highlight indicators with positive data rather than those that highlight less brilliant performances. Nothing could be more wrong! It is essential that during a project SAL (Work Progress Status) all project problems emerge. The problems that may arise are of different nature.
From the most banal to the most complex. There may be a relationship problem with one of the project representatives , a technological problem or a much more complex problem that covers different areas (often they are the ones that call into Job Function Email List question the strategy of the entire project). What is fundamental is to try to take advantage of every problem and arrive at the presentation with the awareness that.

Talking about the issues without trying to hide them and making proposals to resolve them, it will be easier to empathize with your audience, avoiding criticism of the work (of one or all members of a team). Taking responsibility for what happens and learning from your mistakes can be the first step towards solving the problem. 3. An "ethical" tip: learn to listen to interlocutors during meetings We close with a less technical consideration.