The Importance of a Strong SEO Content Strategy Before anything else, it’s important to acknowledge that quality content is one of the defining components of an SEO strategy. Great content paired with SEO efforts has always been the backbone of any successful campaign. Regardless of other standard SEO practices- if your content isn’t good enough for Google, then your website isn’t good enough to rank. Ways of Setting Up An Effective SEO Content Strategy Do Keyword Research Above All Else Keyword research is like the egg to your omelet- all your ingredients won’t come together without it. Never start building your SEO content strategy without gathering your keywords first.
Your keywords will be the foundation of any type of content that you’ll be publishing to your web pages. It’s important to keep in mind these guidelines when doing your keyword research: Use keywords that acknowledge your target audience Ensure keyword CY Lists relevancy to your website Understand the search intent of each keyword in the list Only consider keywords that have good monthly search volume Learn more about the latest keyword research practices! Identify Website SEO Content Opportunities It’s a fairly general SEO practice to commit all your content publications as blogs for your website.

While this particular SEO content strategy proves to still be very effective in attracting website traffic- wouldn’t it be ideal if you could attract THAT traffic straight to pages that have higher possibilities to convert? Imagine an e-commerce site with a as its content. Product Category Page By including a frequently asked questions (FAQ) type of information, we allow that page to target SEO-friendly keywords increasing the chances for it to have a strong online presence. Landing Page Content Efforts This is an example of an “SEO content opportunity” on your website. Instead of simply publishing blog articles, you can direct your writing efforts to pages where there’s an opportunity to target a keyword. You can mainly identify these SEO content opportunities by analyzing search results and identifying what type of pages are ranking.