The general rule of co-marketing is reciprocity, both in the work to be done and in the results. That's why any proposal you want to present to a potential partner must be worth their time and work. What are the advantages of co-marketing? It is profitable, since resources such as budget, talent and software come together. Publics with similar interests, increasing the visibility of brands, are shared. A positive relationship is built between two brands that can continue to collaborate in the long term. It benefits all parties, including consumers. When you join forces with another brand, you surprise your customers and generate value for them.
Unions with very reputable brands translate into USA WhatsApp Number Data increased credibility. Complementary knowledge comes together, which ends up being useful for both companies. What co-marketing actions can you carry out? Some of the tactics you can implement within your content marketing strategy are: Special appearances on your partner's blog or YouTube channel. An example are these videos created between the kitchen products brand Imusa and chef Jorge Rausch Competitions .

Invite your clients to vote or generate content around a topic. Contests can generate virality on social networks and attract new customers. Contents . You can make e-books, webinars, posts for social networks, infographics andor videos in which both brands participate with their knowledge. For example, the editable spreadsheet that we made here at the content marketing blog with RD Station.Hold fairs, conferences and other in-person or virtual events. E-mailing . Create an email strategy that allows you to reach new audiences and is beneficial for your partner.