Writing Persuasive Writing: Persuasive Writing? Persuasive writing is the skill of using the written word to sway others to agree with your expressed point of view. It encourages readers to first support your viewpoint, and then take action or nod in agreement. In the world of content marketing, this writing technique is not limited to blog posts or emails. Writers across departments at organizations of all sizes and types regularly use this skill to generate support in all kinds of written communication, from cover letters and social posts to emails, thought leadership scripts and sales pages.
Persuasive writing is the process of sharing a strong opinion that Bahrain WhatsApp Number refutes objections, substantiating it with relevant stats, leveraging social proof to demonstrate outside support, and closing with a call to action. It is a foundational skill that helps great communicators convince others to support their vision of solving a problem, moving forward, or choosing a side on which to align. Benefits of Writing Persuasively Following the framework of persuasive writing compels you to think critically about the subject you’re addressing.

It ensures that you become keenly aware of the pros and cons of your own point of view and can succinctly address each side of an argument. Further, it stretches you to consider the reader’s perspective in order to make the argument most compelling. Without successful counter-arguments, you’re unlikely to sway the reader. The more you write in a persuasive style, the more likely you are to critically evaluate all opinions you consume. Soon you will find yourself looking for factual and emotional arguments that support the writer’s position. In short, persuasive writing improves critical thinking as both a creator and a consumer.