If you are reading this article and do not know what the Front End and Back End are On our website here, you can get to know them well through these two articles What is the Front End ? What is the Back End? Here you are, dear reader, after you have read the two articles, the difference between the Front End and the Back End has become very clear to you. The difference between the Front End and Back End The difference between the Front End and Back End Front End Back End Through this article, the difference between Front End and Back End will become completely clear to you The front-end of the website is what you see and interact with in the browser, it represents the user interface Text, colours, buttons or images.
For example, if you wanted to develop a website for a clothing store You will put Afghanistan WhatsApp Number information about the store, whether it is the store address or pictures of the clothes they sell So that the site attracts customers. All this is done using front-end technologies. It has three basic development languages: HTML: is the language for building the structure of the website that will be displayed in the browser . HTML was invented by Tim Berners-Lee, a physicist at the CERN research institute in Switzerland. He came up with the idea of a hyperlink system based on the Internet. It is the backbone of any website development process, without it no web page could exist. HTML language and codes provide us with the general framework of what the website will look like.

The latest version of the markup language is HTML5, and it has improvements and ways to deal with elements such as video files and audio files. Hypertext means text that contains references (links) to other texts. Viewers can access it instantly. The first version of HTML was published in consisting of 18 tags. Since then, each new version of HTML has come with new markup tags and attributes There are currently 140 HTML tags, although some of them are already outdated not supported by modern browsers. It comes with the HTML language , and from it you determine the site’s formatting, including colors, design, and fonts . It controls the presentation aspects of any site and allows it to be uniquely designed Through a style sheet file, which has rules that are applied before any other styles, such as device screen size and screen resolution.