Building proper marketing funnels for
Lock In Your Direct Response Channels Creating great content is the first step. Equally as important is having a distribution plan for that content. Building proper marketing funnels for your message across paid social, email, display, and all other direct response channels will be your engine for driving traffic and e-commerce growth.Maximize the bottom-of-funnel opportunity by retargeting for recent Cameroon Email List cart abandoners and increasing bids on branded paid search terms to ensure you’re capturing all existing demand at the highest ROI possible. Re-engage mid-funnel audiences with product updates, promotions, and extensions of your brand storytelling. And finally, chase new audiences with top-of-funnel brand awareness campaigns with content that gives the potential buyer a reason to buy or at the very least, learn more.
Note that your top of funnel campaigns will typically have significantly lower ROI than the mid- and bottom-funnel campaigns, but will allow you to scale in the two lower buckets. Bonus Tip: As Facebook advertising becomes more competitive and costs rise, continuing to test new channels and partners is critical to ongoing success.